Petition Transparency in Europe now! | Newsletter campaign

The talk is over. It’s time to act.

Dear Member,
Last night something special happened. Something big. Our movement truly started to  take form with our first assembly in Rome. There, we shared our first action plans – plans that you, as one of the first to join DiEM25, are part of.
Europe is now at a crucial point: the EU either embraces democracy or it disintegrates. Without transparency, democracy fails. When there’s too much secrecy, governments can make dodgy deals, never held to account because their citizens don’t know what’s happening before it’s too late.
But together, we can change that.  And we can start by calling on EU institutions to make their meetings public. We should know when they are going to make decisions, which ways our representatives vote, and which lobby groups they meet with. If we all demand transparency together, the EU institutions will not be able to ignore us. Let’s tear off the cloak of secrecy from the EU. #Let_light_in

Sign the petition and demand the EU be transparent and accountable to the people it serves.

We know that we’re on the right track. Before we even launched, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, mindful of the impending impact of this campaign, promised a little more transparency from the Eurogroup meetings. But we won’t be fooled. We need to demand full transparency now!
In a democratic union, it is outrageous that decisions that dramatically affect the many are being made behind closed doors by the powerful few.
Demand transparency. Demand democracy. Sign now.

Carpe DiEM!
PS: If you signed up a volunteer, please read this post on how you can join other volunteers in your area to make the petition a success.

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