Greek police storm Athens University and fire teargas at students

MeRA25 members currently in custody without charges.

Students at the Athens University of Economics and Business have been arrested by the police during a standoff after a peaceful demonstration. Members of MeRA25 present at the demonstration have also been detained.

Photo (C) Eurokinissi

Thomas Achtaridis, a student and MeRA25 member reached out to our office in Athens calling for help as the police fired tear gas into the building where he was.

We dispatched MeRA25 and DiEM25 members Kostas Daskas and Maria Karakitsou to assist, but they were taken in by the police, who had begun arresting people at random.

Photo (C) Eurokinissi

The police are refusing to let MeRA25’s legal counsel meet with Kostas Daskas, who remains in custody without formal charges.

Photo (C) Eurokinissi

MeRA25 Member of Parliament and DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis is denouncing these violent actions by the authorities as atrocious, for even in the bleakest days of the country’s political repression, the police never dares deny access to legal counsel to a detainee.

MeRA25 MPs, Sophia Sakorafa and Kleon Grigoriadis, are currently at police headquarters.

(Developing story – updates to follow)

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