Posts Tagged: democracy

Art, War and Alleged Democracies


Beral Madra, Turkish art critic and curator, on how artists across the world are censoring their own work.

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Greece’s parliamentary irregularities during the COVID-19 pandemic


Maria Apatzidi, MeRA25 MP for East Attica, on Greece’s parliamentary irregularities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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mέta is here! (DiEM25’s Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation) — watch the digital launch


On Thursday May 13, 2021, mέta was launched digitally in the midst of the pandemic. Watch the video of the launch.

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Censorship can never save democracy


A world in which corporate behemoths decide what is true or false is nothing to aspire to.

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The Left really is out of touch — two months in the Navy showed me why



If the Left is serious about re-connecting with the working class, it needs to start discussing difficult points.

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Democratic decay and uncertainty in Turkey


COVID-19 has exacerbated political and economic unrest in Turkey. The latest 'ban on HDP' signals continued systematic oppression of Kurds.

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On the right’s perverse hijacking of the left’s “populism”



The root causes of a lack of a peaceful transfer of power remain unsaid. The EU should reflect on its own democratic deficiencies.

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Under the pretext of fighting the pandemic, Greece slides into authoritarianism


Police announce a ban on gatherings of more than 3 people throughout Greece for 87 hours, to prevent the annual commemoration of the 1973 ...

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The democratic deficit in the US should lead us to examine our own in Europe


With the US second-to-last for electoral integrity amongst liberal democracies, we need to turn our attention to the democratic deficit within the EU.

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