Posts Tagged: eu

Portugal’s liberation hinges on defeating the EU oligarchy



Portugal is in the eye of its own storm, a storm that mirrors Greece’s tragedy in 2015

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The modern day EU barons forget nothing and learn nothing


Draghi is proposing a much more expensive and less well thought out version of the 2019 DiEM25 plan. Like the Bourbons, the modern EU barons ...

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The NATO route to EU militarisation



Lasting peace and prosperity can only be achieved by replacing military blocs with an inclusive international security framework that ...

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Varoufakis on EU economic decline, US-China, BRICS growth and technofeudalism


Yanis Varoufakis provided responses to a number of questions regarding the world’s current economic issues

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The EU’s new ecocide law may still let environmental criminals get away with it



The EU passed a law that criminalises actions “comparable to ecocide” but some limitations in the definition may undermine grounds for prosecution

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Yanis Varoufakis’ speech in Dublin: Is Europe going from crisis to catastrophe?


Yanis Varoufakis was invited to speak at the event hosted by Clare Daly at the Button Factory Dublin, Ireland, on Monday, April 29

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The democratic decline of Europe



In defence of fundamental rights and public liberties in Europe: A radically democratic plea from a legal perspective

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Ban Amazon lobbyists from the European Parliament


Over 30 trade unions and civil society groups have signed an open letter supporting the parliamentarians' demand

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EU pact on migration will legalise abuses and lead to more deaths


The EU pact on migration signed on Wednesday will have a destructive impact on the lives of those looking enter Europe

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