Posts Tagged: EU

A path forward for the failing EU: Insights from Yanis Varoufakis and Ece Temelkuran


DiEM25 hosted a riveting conversation in Berlin on October 7 between Yanis Varoufakis and Ece Temelkuran, and moderated by Özge İnan

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Ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh: A European tragedy



The EU helped set in motion the war of 2020, the ethnic cleansing of 2023, and the attacks that are likely to follow

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Europe’s fading democracy



In recent years, three developments have all but destroyed the idea of the EU as an effective force for good within and beyond Europe

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Austerity ruined Europe, and now it’s back



Europe is responding to the US investment boom with a return to the austerity policies that caused it to fall behind the US in the first place

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Why the EU has out-Trumped Trump



Europe has proved far more adept at building walls than the former US president was

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Yanis Varoufakis: Israelis are not good material for making slaves. But nor are Palestinians



The right to resist enslavement is not exclusive to any people

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Greece train crash: The EU has blood on its hands


While the EU was quick to symbolically pay tributes, its role in the privatisation of the Greek railway played a big part in the tragedy

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Lack of response to Nord Stream attack marks the end of EU sovereignty



EU inaction in the aftermath of this US attack suggests that it is at best a protectorate and at worst occupied territory

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The three pillars of EU corruption explained


The EU is corrupt by design, through three fundamental pillars that serve to concentrate power into the hands of the few since its initiation

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