Posts Tagged: Jeremy Corbyn

UK election: Mixed results as Tory-lite Starmer gains power but Corbyn is back


The positive outcome of Thursday’s election was the fact that our good friend Jeremy Corbyn has regained his seat in the house of commons

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Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war



Jeremy Corbyn argues that the world has never been closer to nuclear war – and that the only way to avoid catastrophe is to abolish nuclear ...

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We stand with Jeremy Corbyn


We stand with Jeremy Corbyn as a genuine internationalist and inspiration to progressive forces around the world

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Jeremy Corbyn: Only the Green Industrial Revolution can save this planet


Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the MeRA25 Congress in Athens following the presentation of the Athens Declaration.

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Jeremy Corbyn discusses Ukraine, Greece, Brexit, NHS and Labour Party ahead of participation at MeRA25 Congress


Interview with Jeremy Corbyn ahead of his participation at MeRA25 Congress: Ukraine, Brexit, Greece, the NHS, Labour Party and more!

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Watch live: the Athens Declaration, presented by Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Ece Temelkuran


A press conference on behalf of the Progressive International, DiEM25 and MeRA25 on May 13, 2022, in Athens

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The Belmarsh Tribunal put the US on trial for crimes revealed by Assange


Julian Assange’s extradition hearing came to a close, with the verdict set to be revealed early next year. The struggle for his liberation continues!

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The mainstream media, not Corbyn, is the true cult endangering British politics


Neoliberal mainstream media is engorged on its profits in societies merging with a hell of poverty, austerity and destitution.

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