Posts Tagged: Julian Assange

Extradition denied, but the fight for Julian Assange’s freedom continues


They are not trying to extradite him, they are trying to kill him! DiEM25 demands the immediate release of Julian Assange.

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Law and disorder: The case of Julian Assange


The conviction of Julian Assange would signify a new dystopian landscape in which all investigative journalism risks prosecution.

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Make your voice heard: protect Assange and the freedom of the press


Julian Assange is still being held in arbitrary detention - but you can take action to ensure that the freedom of the press is secured in Europe!

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Yanis Varoufakis testifies against private company hired to spy on Assange


Yanis Varoufakis will give his testimony in a Spanish case against security agency UC Global via teleconference on 27 October at 13:00 (GMT+2).

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The Belmarsh Tribunal put the US on trial for crimes revealed by Assange


Julian Assange’s extradition hearing came to a close, with the verdict set to be revealed early next year. The struggle for his liberation continues!

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Solidarity actions for Julian Assange in Belgium


We must defend whistleblowers and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange because they reveal what governments are doing ‘in the public interest’.

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Srećko Horvat: The Belmarsh Tribunal


The Belmarsh Tribunal puts the US on trial for its crimes of the 21st century and draws attention to the case of Julian Assange for revealing them.

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The Belmarsh Tribunal: We stand with Assange


Yanis Varoufakis, Srećko Horvat, M.I.A., Pamela Anderson, Lula, Rafael Correa, Roger Waters, Slavoj Žižek and others to demand Assange’s release ...

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Protest against the extradition of Julian Assange in Bonn, Germany


DiEM25's local group in Bonn call for the freedom of Assange and that of all brave whistleblowers and investigative journalists around the world.

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