Posts Tagged: NATO

Sweden and Finland joining NATO will not make Europe safer


The interests of common people can only be served by a new Non-Aligned Movement

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When and how will the Ukraine war end?


From the calm and controlled way the West reacts, it seems NATO's plan is moving full steam ahead. But it's far more complicated than that

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Russian invasion of Ukraine: Causes and consequences



In order to understand the conflict in Ukraine, we must first reflect on the history of the tug-of-war between Russia and the West

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E54: Ukraine war: Propaganda, xenophobia and censorship


Putin's invasion of Ukraine has led to international outcry but a backlash is taking place against Russian culture and people.

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I lived through NATO’s bombing. These are the mistakes we can’t repeat with Ukraine


Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has brought widespread condemnation, yet there are also traps of the past that are important to avoid.

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We condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and call for civil society to organise for peace


No More Wars – Sign the petition! We condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and call for civil society to organise for peace.

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Stop the War in Ukraine


Stop Putin's invasion. Stop NATO escalation. Peace via a people's diplomacy!

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Lessons from Idlib for the EU : In the Twilight of a Ceasefire


We need a New Deal on immigration. A lack of imagination among centrist politicians has led to a failed response to immigration.

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Game of A – Bombs


Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty is another giant step backwards for global security.

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