Things may look rosy for NATO today, but climate breakdown, not wars, are the biggest threat to global security
Read more12.07.2023
DiEM25 supporters in Brussels joined partner organisations to make their voices known against the military alliance ahead of the NATO Summit
Read more5.07.2023
DiEM25 members and supporters held a demonstration in Dublin where the Irish government was holding a forum on 'international security'
Read more20.01.2023
As if billionaires arriving on private jets to lecture us about climate change or unelected officials talking about the value of democracy ...
Read more7.09.2022
The global response to the Russia-Ukraine war shows that there is no longer an automatic alignment with the West, which exposes its own fragility.
Read more29.06.2022
We condemn the unacceptable concessions made to Turkey in order to induct Finland and Sweden into NATO at the summit in Madrid
Read more26.05.2022
Does neutrality mean indifference in the face of a war of aggression and all the suffering that follows?
Read more19.05.2022
Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the MeRA25 Congress in Athens following the presentation of the Athens Declaration.
Read more17.05.2022
The interests of common people can only be served by a new Non-Aligned Movement
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