Posts Tagged: Netherlands

Mark Rutte to lead the Netherlands for the 4th time – Further austerity and xenophobia predicted


Exit polls suggest that People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), led by incumbent Prime Minister Mark Rutte, will lead another four-year term.

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Stand as a candidate for one of our National Collectives


Apply before 24 January to stand as a candidate for one of our National Collectives in Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Turkey or Spain.

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Discrimination against LGBTQIA+ students in the Netherlands


The Dutch Minister of Primary and Secondary Education's pronouncements aggravate the already difficult conditions for LGBTQIA+ youth.

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Will the Biden administration commit to progressive changes?


The Democratic establishment in the US, with a solid record of supporting corporations over progressives, finds itself at a moment of reckoning.

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Why are they saying no to the eurobond? The case for constructive disobedience in the EU Council


"Without the eurobond, this European Union -- or at least the Eurozone -- has no future."

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Does the EU have the courage to govern the future?


The European Union will unite or perish. DiEM25's 3-point plan offers the only way towards unification.

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