Posts Tagged: Refugees

Varoufakis: Grounded Rwanda asylum flight a win for humanism


A late ruling by the European Court of Human Rights stepped in to overrule the move, putting a halt to the UK government’s dangerous plan

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Stories from the Ukrainian border


Slovakian volunteer Miloš Jakubčin shares his personal stories from the Ukrainian border.  

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News from Turkey: Regional wars, boycotts and COVID-19


As political, economic and social problems are deepening, COVID-19 conditions have caused heightened restrictions to be implemented. 

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Diary entries on Brexit, defending refugees and writing postcapitalist fiction


The world of money has decoupled from capitalism. Money markets are divorced from profit. What we now have is a dystopian variety of post-capitalism.

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Yanis Varoufakis on the tragic situation in Moria


What would you do if you, your family and another 13000 people were incarcerated in a prison camp built for 1800 people?

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Message from Yanis Varoufakis on the 72nd Anniversary of the Nakba


On the 72nd Anniversary of the Nakba, Yanis Varoufakis shares a powerful message.

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Lessons from Idlib for the EU : In the Twilight of a Ceasefire


We need a New Deal on immigration. A lack of imagination among centrist politicians has led to a failed response to immigration.

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Selective solidarity in Brussels


We cannot have 'selective solidarity' if we want to avoid the next humanitarian crisis.

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DiEM25 demands citizenship and healthcare for refugees, migrants and the homeless


We demand that those who are not considered part of civil society but are our fellow beings have equal and full access to healthcare for all.

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