Posts Tagged: uber

EU labour ministers, will you work for us or for Uber?


16 trade unions and gig worker collectives call on EU labour ministers to support their struggle for decent work against platforms' abuse

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Corruption? That’s insensitive. It’s called lobbying now



The Uber files remind us that the elite treats public office as an audition for corporate jobs

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Platform capitalism: How Big Tech monopolies are messing up the global economy



Platform companies are dependent on capital injections and their employees rarely benefit from their 'success'.

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Platform Cooperatives: Workplace Democracy for the 21st Century?


Worker-owned 'Deliveroo alternative' Kolyma2 offers a potential blueprint for transitioning the platform economy to a post-capitalist world.

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Uberised workers are on the frontline of the crisis


'Essential' uberised workers on the frontline are tracked by employers, and exploited for miserable incomes without any social protection.

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