Posts Tagged: Ukraine

The risk of a NATO-led war is growing: We can stop them


The war hawks of Europe and the United States are now openly raising the prospect of a wider military conflict on the old continent, following ...

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E94: Russia vs NATO – is nuclear war on the horizon?


As the US is poised to deliver its largest military ‘aid’ package, and with EU nations ramping up their assistance ahead of European elections, ...

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Jaw-jaw beats war-war. Every time



We shouldn’t be angry at Tucker interviewing Putin, but instead at our own side’s dismissive and authoritarian attempts to avoid losing control ...

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Good times for the Military-Industrial Complex



Rather than romanticising the military-industrial complex, isn’t it time to place it under greater democratic control?

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MeRA25 denounces furthering Greek involvement in Ukraine and Middle East wars


DiEM25 party accuses the Greek government of being a yes-man to its transatlantic hegemons and urges a foreign policy of non-alignment

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DiEMers join ‘Global Women for Peace United against NATO’ campaigners ahead of Vilnius summit


DiEM25 supporters in Brussels joined partner organisations to make their voices known against the military alliance ahead of the NATO Summit

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Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant: Learning from the past to avoid further disaster



As Europe’s largest nuclear power facility is the centre of a pre-emptive blame-game between Ukraine and Russia, learning from the past could ...

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Ending the war in Ukraine: The time has come for civil society to lead


A special conference has been called in Vienna to overcome obstacles and work more effectively - as civil society - towards ending this war

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DiEM25 activists demonstrate in Brussels against the war in Ukraine


Despite protests across Europe, there is still an element of confusion among protesters and the media

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