Posts Tagged: United Kingdom

The state of our unions in the UK



Amidst Brexit and COVID-19, our unions are more important than ever in order to fight 'fire and rehire' schemes and eroding worker protections.

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Yanis Varoufakis meets Owen Jones


On 7 November, Yanis Varoufakis and Owen Jones will talk about how to radically rethink Britain and imagine a future for progressive politics.

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Covid diktats, disunity and revolt: The slow death of the United Kingdom



What the showdown between Westminster and the regions demonstrates is that the Tories govern in the interest of capital and little else.

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The UK’s Windrush Generation still suffers from injustice today


The Windrush Generation continue to be deported and have limited access to benefits; a social worker explains how systemic racism plays a role.

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The crisis of Care: Carers are not ‘hard to reach’, they are easy to ignore


Until carers are supported and funded to unite across regions and borders, they will continue to die from Coronavirus and continue to be exploited.

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Failure to deal with Dominic Cummings is a failure of British democracy


The case of Cummings and the shameless defence of him by all prominent ministers, has eroded much of the public faith in the PM and his government.

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Manchester’s Quarantined Music Scene: The Hazards of Precarious Employment


Social distancing measures are necessary but will leave workers in the entertainment industry out of work for the foreseeable future.

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Manchester’s quarantined music scene is a microcosm of inequality


Manchester's precarious musicians, engineers and venue workers need a life line, not just crumbs from the table. 

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Why UK Progressives Should Look To DiEM25


The UK Left currently finds itself in disarray. A people-powered movement like DiEM25 could be a way of organizing for progressive policies.

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