Yanis gave a powerful speech in the Greek parliament where he called out the severe neglect of key issues that the country is facing
Read more9.01.2023
The co-founder of DiEM25 will hold talks with the president on a range of topics including the Athens Declaration
Read more29.12.2022
Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25-co-founder, with a short look back at 2022 and a hopeful message of what should guide us in 2023.
Read more26.10.2022
Varoufakis clarified why pro-peace doesn't mean pro-Putin, and why the US wants the Ukraine war to continue
Read more12.09.2022
Political leaders across Europe want to divert attention away from their own role in the energy crisis by focusing solely on Russia
Read more8.05.2022
Interview with Jeremy Corbyn ahead of his participation at MeRA25 Congress: Ukraine, Brexit, Greece, the NHS, Labour Party and more!
Read more4.05.2022
A press conference on behalf of the Progressive International, DiEM25 and MeRA25 on May 13, 2022, in Athens
Read more23.03.2022
It’s time to campaign against the European Union's greenwashing of gas and nuclear energy
Read more27.01.2022
DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis interviewed by Evgeny Morozov on crypto, the Left and Techno-Feudalism.
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