Franco "Bifo" Berardi

The Core

Strange things happen. While middle aged white people are voting for Donald Trump, young millennials, those who have been born in the age of the world wide web are voting for Bernie Sanders. How do you explain this? I don’t think that the vote for the old good self-described socialist Bern is based on a political strategy and I would even say that this is not essentially a political act. In my opinion this vote is essentially the symptom of an ethical refusal of war, racism and growing inequality. Ethical and aesthetic refusal. The kids are looking at their parents, at those fifty years old victims and accomplices of the neoliberal culture, they see them filled with aggressiveness and frustration, competitiveness and self-despise, and they think: I don’t want to be so depressing. So they turn to Bernie, the descendant of the happy Sixties, the much cursed decade of creative laziness, egalitarian sentiments and social solidarity. I don’t expect that Bernie Sanders will be the President of the US, (although I hope it) but I think that his ability to attract the digital generation is meaningful. The ethical and aesthetic shift is quickly eroding the foundations of the Neoliberal consensus, on the right and on the left.
Therefore we need to elaborate a project of resistance, of survival, and what is most important, a project of disentanglement of the force of invention.
Democracy In Europe Movement25 is the first attempt to build a political platform for the fresh energies that will be unleashed by the disintegration of the European Union. DIEM25 is the container of a trans-national consciousness beyond the current upsurge of nationalism.
If the Union disintegrates we must save the core of this project: the network of cognitive workers who do not identify anymore with nations. We must transform this network into an experiment in autonomy and self-valorisation of knowledge. The only way to save this core is to emancipate cognitive work in Europe from the paradigm of the market. We have to build the techno-political platform that enables cognitive workers to cooperate outside from the rules of the profit-oriented economy, for the dismantlement and the reprogramming of the technical systems and of the process of production, distribution and consumption.

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