The first-ever DiEM25 Academy is here!

Our movement is as powerful as the activists that drive it. That is why this September 15-17 in Belgrade we will bring together a hundred of our most passionate activists to train them on the skills they will need for the fight ahead: policy advocacy, campaigning, fundraising.
The background of the Academy dates back to discussions among DiEMers, during our big events (Rome, Berlin, Brussels and so on) and other occasions, where we realised the importance of meeting face to face and getting to know each other.
Yet when it comes to putting our policies into practice, mutual support and trust play a pivotal role. We see DiEM25 Academy as a place where we can meet people who are fighting the same fight in different countries; exchange experiences; gain new skills and appreciate the community that we have built.
In the run-up to the May 2019 European Parliament elections, this September we will focus on the European Spring and the way each of us can contribute to this unique endeavour. Campaigning, advocacy, social media: all will be covered by experts ranging from the senior advisors of the Bernie Sanders campaign, to European professionals and of course the expertise coming from our own grassroots. At the same time, we will meet, chat and have fun together – thus proving that politics is not reserved for gray suits and black ties. Join us by sending your application through this link.
To set this foundation for a successful electoral campaign, we need all the help we can get from members, friends and supporters. DiEM25 is as powerful as we make it! To help us make the DiEM25 Academy a success, follow this link.
Lastly, don’t forget to take a look at the full 3-day programme here!
Looking forward to meeting you in Belgrade!

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