On Friday, January 31, 2025, nations from all over the world gathered in The Hague to coordinate legal, economic, and diplomatic measures in response to Israel’s violations of international law, including its ongoing actions in Gaza. The meeting, convened by the Progressive International, and culminated in the formation of The Hague Group.
DiEM25 and its co-founder Yanis Varoufakis made it clear that he stood in full solidarity with The Hague Group and its collective commitment to upholding international law, resisting threats against the International Criminal Court (ICC), and defending Palestinian rights. Here is what he had to say on the historic occasion:
I salute the signatories representing governments from Africa and Latin America who I am sure represent the collective voice of the Global South and so many of those of us in the Global North whose governments have been largely complicit in our generation’s ongoing genocide.
It is of particular significance that these are governments representing people who know what it means to the victims of colonialism, of white supremacy. People who know it in their bones, like the Palestinians know it today, why their calls for equality and justice spread panic in the hears of the colonisers who, knowing well that they stole indigenous people’s land after declaring it terra nullius, equality for the ancestors of their victims challenges their property rights over stolen land.
It is also of particular significance for us in Europe and North America. Look around this country, this continent. It is on a war footing. It is caught up in stagnation. Its peoples cannot make ends meet in a rich place. Austerity for the many and socialism for the bankers has caused discontent that the ultra-right, in alliance with the establishment, reap to promote racism, an anti-foreigner, anti-immigrant cancer. The campaign for a just peace in the middle east is not only a campaign to liberate Palestinians but also to liberate us in the West from this descent into authoritarianism, stagnation and fear. A Free Palestine is a prerequisite for a free Europe, a free West, a world that begins to make sense again.
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