Yanis Varoufakis and Srećko Horvat will stand in next year’s European elections — in Germany [UPDATED]

Today we gathered in Berlin for reasons that, if we may say so ourselves, were pretty momentous. The event at Colonia Nova was the venue for:

  • The inauguration of our German political party Demokratie In Europa, set up jointly with Demokratie In Bewegung, as part of the European Spring coalition
  • The decision on who will be the ten women and ten men to stand as candidates for that party in the European elections in May and,
  • The decision on whether our co-founders, Yanis Varoufakis and Srećko Horvat, will be heading this list of candidates (they were nominated to do so) in a historic all-member DiEM25 vote last week

The event kicked off at 10am with the Party’s Assembly voting on the candidates that were nominated to form the list that will stand in next year’s European Parliament elections [you can read Demokratie in Europa’s programme here]. Ten women and ten men will represent Demokratie in Europa as candidates in May 2019.

The nomination of the two DiEM25 co-founders is of great symbolic significance: Yanis Varoufakis, first place on the list, and Srećko Horvat, third place on the list. Their candidacy marks DiEM25’s ambition to democratise Europe by gathering progressive forces behind the “New Deal for Europe” a joint political programme by Europeans, for Europeans.
At the press conference, Yanis Varoufakis said “Germany is experiencing a paradoxical crisis. Germany is, on paper, flooded by… money. The federal government is in surplus. A tsunami of foreign money is flooding German banks. Families are saving. And even corporations hoard huge amounts of savings. So, why is the political centre not holding? Why are the major parties bleeding? Why is discontent, xenophobia and precariousness on a triumphant march?”.

Varoufakis continued, “Demokratie in Europa seeks, and deserves, the vote of the German people for two reasons: first, we are the only party that has put forward a solid, comprehensive proposal of how to address systematically Europe’s systemic crisis. We call it a Green New Deal for Europe: a realistic, credible, rational and immediately implementable policy agenda for the whole of Europe.”

Jasper Finkeldey said, “…I searched for a political home outside of local associations for a long time and never found one. As an activist for fairer trade and a more humane migration policy, I lacked a political base. That is why I became a founding member of Demokratie in Europa and as part of a major movement, help to forge alliances to make hopeful proposals for Europe.”

Daniela Platsch said, “…if our generation has a common task, then it is called democracy in Europe. It is called: One human. One vote. This requires strict rules for corporations, a strong EU Parliament and, above all, people who are prepared to exchange their old borders for a new, common Europe.”

Bianca Preatorius said, “…today I am part of the European Spring with the aim of revolutionising the European Union and thereby saving my homeland Europe, by making it fit for the future.”

Srecko Horvat concluded with, “I want to live in a Europe in which it doesn’t matter whether you are a university professor or care-worker, a German or Croatian, male or female, because we would all have the same rights and chances.”
And that’s a wrap — let our campaign for a citizen takeover of the European establishment commence!
Europe’s first transnational electoral list, initiated by DiEM25 in Naples on 10 March 2018, is a broad, democratic, radical European alliance based on a single manifesto (the New Deal for Europe), offering all Europeans a common, green, progressive agenda – and a path towards a democratic European Union. The transnational electoral efforts include political movements, intellectuals and grassroots activists from all parts of Europe, including the French movement Génération-s, the Polish Razem party, Greece’s MeRA25, Denmark’s Alternativet, Portugal’s LIVRE, Spain’s Actúa and many more.
Full list of candidates
1. Yanis Varoufakis
2. Daniela Platsch
3. Srećko Horvat
4. Bianca Praetorius
5. Jasper Finkeldey
6. Regine Deutsch
7. Marisa Wendt
8. Krisztina André
9. Joanna Bronowicka
10. Thomas Geiseler
11. Stefan Vardopoulos
12. Deniz Özkan
13. Mariana Font
14. Thomas Kellermann
15. Beate Christine Lippmann
16. Robin Scheben
17. Michael Fromm
18. Mirek Wozniak
19. Donald Houwer
20. Renata Kaminska
Media coverage – per country
Taz: Varoufakis plant Kandidatur
Frankfurter Rundschau: Das Comeback von Yanis Varoufakis
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Varoufakis kandidiert für die „Supermenschen“
Welt: Als deutscher Politiker besser denn als griechischer Eurogruppen-Troll
Stern: Varoufakis kandidiert in Deutschland
NDR: Varoufakis kandidiert in Deutschland für Europa
Faz: Varoufakis will in Deutschland zur Europawahl antreten
Der Tagesspiegel: Griechischer Kandidat mit deutschem Wohnsitz
N-TV: Varoufakis will in Deutschland kandidieren
Huffington Post: Merkel-Kritiker Varoufakis tritt für deutsche Partei zur EU-Wahl an
T-Online: Ex-Minister Varoufakis will in Deutschland kandidieren
Abendblatt: Yanis Varoufakis tritt bei Europawahl an – für Deutschland
Merkur: Er war Reizfigur im Streit um Griechenland-Milliarden: Varoufakis will in Deutschland kandidieren
Dlf24: Varoufakis will in Deutschland antreten
Morgenpost: Yanis Varoufakis tritt bei Europawahl an – für Deutschland
Shz: Varoufakis tritt bei Europawahl an – für Deutschland
Der Standaard: Ex-Minister Varoufakis will in Deutschland antreten
Die Press: Varoufakis will in Deutschland bei EU-Wahl antreten
Kleine Zeitung: Varoufakis geht für Deutschland in die EU-Wahl
Waz: Yanis Varoufakis tritt bei Europawahl an – für Deutschland
RBB24: Varoufakis will in Deutschland zur Europawahl antreten
Handelsblatt: Varoufakis will in Deutschland zur Europawahl antreten
Orf: Varoufakis will in Deutschland für EU-Wahl antreten
ND: Varoufakis will in das EU-Parlament
Wiwo: Varoufakis will in Deutschland zur Europawahl antreten
Focus: Griechischer Ex-Minister Varoufakis will für Europawahl kandidieren – in Deutschland
RT Deutsch: Neustart von Berlin aus: Varoufakis betreibt in Berlin Wahlkampf für Europawahl
The Local: Greece’s former finance minister to stand for election in Germany
The Toc: Ο Γ. Βαρουφάκης υποψήφιος για τις Eυρωεκλογές στη Γερμανία
The Press Project: «Συμβολικές» ευρωεκλογές στη Γερμανία- «Παρών» στην Ελλάδα ο Βαρουφάκης
Euronews: Ευρωεκλογές: Με γερμανικό κόμμα ο Γ. Βαρουφάκης
The Greek Reporter: Yanis Varoufakis to Seek European Parliament Seat in Germany
Ekathimerini: Former Greek FinMin Varoufakis to run in European election – in Germany
tportal.hr: Srećko Horvat i Janis Varufakis se za EU parlament kandidiraju u Njemačkoj
Balkan Insight: Croat Philosopher Aims to Become German MEP
EU and International
EurActiv: Varoufakis to enter EU politics, in Germany
Lost in Europe: Wie Varoufakis die Merkel-Dämmerung erklärt
Reuters: Greece’s Varoufakis to run in European election – in Germany
New York Times: Greece’s Varoufakis to Run in European Election-In Germany
AcTVism Munich: DiEM25 in Germany – Democratising Europe with a Progressive Plan
Deutsche Welle: Staunch EU critic Yanis Varoufakis to run in European election — in Germany
EU Observer: Varoufakis to run in Germany for EU elections
TIME: ‘Europe Is Disintegrating.’ Greece’s Rockstar Economist Yanis Varoufakis Shares His Vision for Reforming the E.U.
Ouest-France: Élections Européennes. Le Grec Yanis Varoufakis, candidat en Allemagne
Sudouest: L’ancien ministre grec Yanis Varoufakis candidat aux européennes… en Allemagne
BFMTV: Européennes: le grec Yanis Varoufakis sera candidat en Allemagne
Le Monde: Le grec Varoufakis candidat aux élections européennes en Allemagne
Challenges: Le grec Varoufakis sera candidat aux Européennes en Allemagne
RFI: Varoufakis présente sa candidature aux Européennes sur une liste allemande
L’Opinion: Yanis Varoufakis sera candidat aux européennes… en Allemagne
Publico: Varoufakis vai disputar as eleições europeias na Alemanha
Renascenca: Varoufakis, o grego que lutou contra a troika, vai a eleições na Alemanha
ZAP: Varoufakis lidera lista internacional para eleições europeias na Alemanha
TSF: Varoufakis lidera lista internacional para eleições europeias na Alemanha
Euronews: Varoufakis lidera lista internacional para europeias na Alemanha
L’essentiel: Yanis Varoufakis sera candidat… en Allemagne
El Espanol: Varoufakis quiere ser eurodiputado… por Alemania
El Diario: Varoufakis será candidato en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo por Alemania
EuropaPress: Varoufakis será candidato a la Eurocámara por Alemania
El País: Yanis Varoufakis será candidato al Parlamento Europeo
El Periodico: Yanis Varoufakis: “La tragedia de Europa es que sus estados no son soberanos”
20 minutos: Varufakis será candidato a las elecciones europeas por Alemania
El Economista: Varoufakis será candidato a la Eurocámara por Alemania
OK Diario: Varoufakis será candidato por Alemania a un escaño en el Parlamento Europeo
Expansion: Varoufakis se lanza a los comicios europeos con una lista internacional en Alemania
Bolsamania: Varoufakis se presentará a las elecciones europeas… en Alemania
Burgos Conecta: Varoufakis será candidato en Alemania a las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo
Knack: Varoufakis stelt zich in Duitsland kandidaat voor Europese verkiezingen
De Standaard: Yanis Varoufakis kandidaat voor Europese verkiezingen in Duitsland
Joop: Yanis Varoufakis in Duitsland kandidaat voor Europese verkiezingen
RTBF: Le Grec Varoufakis sera candidat aux élections européennes en Allemagne
Leeuwarder Courant: Varoufakis wil in Duitsland zetel EP veroveren
The Sun: Greece’s Varoufakis to run in European election – in Germany
The Times: Yanis Varoufakis to run as MEP in Germany
Mérce: Varufákisz Németországban listavezető az EP-választáson
Dnevnik: Janis Varufakis bo za evropski parlament kandidiral … v Nemčiji

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