MeRA25, DiEM25, DemA

Open Letter to Gregor Gysi (European Party of the Left), Pablo Iglesias (Podemos), Catarina Martins (Bloco) and Jean Luc Melenchon (FI)


To: Gregor Gysi (European Party of the Left), Pablo Iglesias (Podemos), Catarina Martins (Bloco) and Jean Luc Melenchon (FI)
20th April 2018
Dear Gregor, Pablo, Catarina and Jean Luc,
We are writing to you with an invitation.

  • On 10thMarch, and under the umbrella of DiEM25, we established in Napoli a progressive transnational movement to confront Europe’s Deep Establishment by the European Parliament elections in May 2019 – with a single, comprehensive Plan A, a strong Plan B, and even a Plan C; plus a single governing council that is about to meet for the second time this Thursday (26th April) in Lisbon

  • On 12thApril Pablo, Catarina and Jean Luc met in Lisbon to announce an intention to create something similar

  • Meanwhile, the European Party of the Left, chaired by Gregor, is the largest family of left-wing parties already represented in the European Parliament but lacking a coherent Plan A, B, C

Here is our idea and proposal: Join us in Lisbon next Thursday 26th April so that we can get together with a view to discuss and agree on:

  • Common Plans A, B and C for our cities, regions, countries and for Europe as a whole

  • A common transnational list of candidates for May 2019

  • A common governing structure of this progressive paneuropean movement

If you cannot make it at such a short notice, please send a close associate of yours and then let’s plan to meet up in person at a later date.
Let’s, together, give the peoples of Europe the hope that requires an antidote to the toxic dogma that there is no alternative.
We are very much looking forward to your response.
In solidarity,
Yanis Varoufakis (MeRA25-DiEM25) and Luigi de Magistris (DemA)

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