ΜeRΑ25 Congress: A Celebration of Democracy — June 4-6

The 1st Consultative Conference of MeRA25 will be held in the Multi-unit Site of Drapetsona Fertilizers and its proceedings will be opened by the General Secretary of MeRA25, Yanis Varoufakis as the keynote speaker.

This is the first phase of MeRA25’s 1st Consultative Conference, whereas the second phase will take place next November. The first part of the Conference will focus on the discussion and adoption of the positions of MeRA25 on 21 thematic sectors (health, education, culture, the environment, the economy and so on) that will form the party’s political agenda for the current period.

  • On the first day, Friday, June 4, following the official opening of the Conference with a speech by Yanis Varoufakis after 9pm., there will be intercessions by key figures on the global progressive scene (Corbyn, Chomsky, Klein, Correa, Žižek, amongst others), as well as other personalities from the Arts (Ken Loach, Roger Waters, Brian Eno, as well as others ), who will express their solidarity with the Greek people and MeRA25 for the struggles they are waging in our country.
  • On Saturday, June 5, there will be presentations by delegates.
  • On Sunday, June 6, voting will take place electronically, whereby the participants, on the basis of Saturday’s debates, will be able to vote on their devices, from their locations, without requiring their physical presence.
  • After the closing speech by Yanis Varoufakis, the Conference will close with an excellent concert by two outstanding artists, Dimitris Zervoudakis and Spyros Grammenos.

*The Conference’s proceedings will take place in the evenings, from 19:00

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