Archive: Articles

Naomi Klein supports MeRA25 MPs on the day Greece's Parliament ratifies oil and gas extraction deals


Naomi Klein: I stand with MeRA25 as the only party forcefully opposing this reckless legislation.

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Also in Indonesia: rain forests are burning


Malaysian DiEMer Jacob Lim calls out for an International Green New Deal.

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How military industries poison our planet


The U.S. military is the single greatest institutional contributor to climate change. We must bring an overall reduction in military spending ...

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Our European Way of Life should be about solidarity and shared prosperity – not racism and xenophobia


The pursuit of a Europe of solidarity, shared prosperity and peace for all: that should be “our European way of life”.

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The Great Redefining


The epicentre of our crises could be the place to reinstate the Left to its proper place.

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Neverending Six Days War – what can DiEM25 do?


Let's make the historic UN "paper victories“ count today!

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Join the Rebellion Week in October!


DiEM25’s National Collective in Germany (NC) calls on all DiEMers to join the Extinction Rebellion without Borders in October 2019, ...

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DiEM25 Romania – Not "All Quiet on the Eastern Front"


25,000 in Bucharest: DiEM25 and the Romanian diaspora organised a protest against reasons for mass emigration

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DiEM25 United Kingdom: "Most anti democratic action in living memory"


DiEM25 UK condemns the Prime Minister’s move as most anti democratic. The only solution: Peoples’ Assemblies.

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