Archive: Articles

Stormont powersharing talks

Tired Political Games in Northern Ireland


The DUP’s actions are an abrogation of responsibility and an unwillingness to make the hard decisions necessary to govern in the interests of ...

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DiEM25 is history in the making – be part of it!


We're launching ΜέΡΑ25 (MeRA25), DiEM25’s political party in Greece, to revive the spirit of the Greek Spring and shatter Brussels’ dead-end ...

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We have white smoke!


DiEM25’s members overwhelmingly approved the name of our new Greek electoral wing – the political party with which DiEM25 will contest elections ...

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Is Europe truly recovering?


Paul Krugman’s opinion article describes a fragile recovery of the European economy. But we should be sceptical about whose interests are ...

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Invest in bitcoins and all your previous financial sins will be forgiven


Although Bitcoin appears to have fallen into familiar traps, we shouldn't lose sight of the potential of the underlying technology.

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Anti-racism protest

Join voices against the fascist cult of violence – “Long Live Life! Down with Death!”


After recent events in Macerata, Italy, we are beginning to realise that we need thousands of daily acts of resistance to banish fascist ideology.

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DiEM25 returned to Berlin to celebrate its second birthday!

DiEM25 returned to Berlin to celebrate its second birthday!


The Berlin birthday gatherings celebrated our progress – and set out an agenda for building on it as we move toward the 2019 European elections.

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Help us establish a DiEM25 political party in Greece


Support us to offer an alternative path for the Eurocrisis’ front-line country.

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Thomas Wieser hailing ‘reforms’ and downgrades democracy


Wieser likes those who promote TINA. DiEM25 is here to challenge this and bring change.

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