Internationalism against reactionary violence

New atrocious murders have just been committed on the European continent. A man driven by the ideology of the nationalist and racist far-right of Germany randomly shot and killed customers in various shisha bars near Frankfurt.
This is not a “German” problem, or even a European one. The move of right-wing extremists of all sorts from words to action is a global phenomenon, which has spread to the Antipodes – as can be observed in the Christchurch massacre in New-Zealand. The “lone wolves” as well as organised groups who want to erase the Muslims, or the non-Muslims, or the non-nationals from their environment, are attacking everywhere.
One of the roles of the Left is to sound the alarm, as we have entered a state of war of everyone against everyone else, of low-intensity, for now. This disintegration in slow-motion must must be denounced, as absolutely nothing good will come out of it for the workers or the population. On the contrary, the rights and freedoms of all will inevitably be smashed by these violent and reactionary movements, and sometimes also by their repression, as we witness the implementation of a sort of global and endless state of emergency.
If there is never only one explanation, the fact that social movements are weak, divided and defeated everywhere (or almost) by the attacks of governments in the shareholders’ pay renders all these identity-based withdrawals possible. DiEM25 intends to be one of the forms of refusal of the trivialisation of this suicidal violence induced by despair. Organising a European social and political movement, enforcing internationalism through fighting for common progress is the best defence against reactionary violence, wherever it may come from.

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