Archive: Articles

Yanis Varoufakis gives Kingston University's 6th annual Shakespeare lecture at the Rose Theatre

The madness and conflict of Shakespeare's characters can humanise economics


Why former Greek finance minister and co-founder of DiEM25 – a pan-European movement for democratising the EU – accepted the invitation to give ...

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DiEM25 to become political contender in Greece


Join us as we continue to make history on March 26 when we'll launch MeRA25, DiEM25's electoral wing in Greece.

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Maurer family protests

Evictions that should not have happened


Europeans must to take to the streets until residential evictions no longer sweep through our cities.

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In Italy, as across Europe, now is not the time to wait and see


The recent general election in Italy reflected the continental collapse of support for political parties that hail from the European establishment.

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#DefendAfrin is over, but not yet


What is there left to say on a dark day like today? How can we even respond with words to what has happened in Afrin? The truth is, we can’t ...

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Merkel and Schulz

Germany finally has a government: now what?


We need to resist the neoliberal grip of the European Establishment. No new government will truly represent peoples’ interests unless we speak up!

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Why won’t the EU hold transnational corporations accountable for human rights?

Why won’t the EU hold transnational corporations accountable for human rights?


EU representatives have to stop blocking the process and start contributing constructively, just as is demanded of them from the European Parliament.

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How can we join the fight against gentrification?


A number of activists in the Czech Republic are facing years in prison for having broken a law called: the right to the house.

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An Ostrich Policy for the Dutch

An Ostrich Policy for the Dutch — and for the Eurozone


Eurozone reforms could reshape Europe. But where exactly are the Dutch, the largest net contributor to the EU?

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