Archive: Articles


Why do we need an electoral wing?


Our electoral wing, if members greenlight it, would allow us to take our fight with the Establishment to the next level – a historic, ...

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DiEM25 lands in Paris

DiEM25 lands in Paris


Yanis Varoufakis is now in Paris to spread our movement’s message and strengthen its machinery in France.

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Greece and reforms: more déja-vu


The Greek economy is shrinking and is bound to extremely high primary surpluses and billions of debt to be repaid in the next years and decades.

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Live-Chat with Yanis Varoufakis

Catch Yanis' Facebook Live tonight!


Join Yanis Varoufakis' second Facebook Live videochat tonight! Do you have any questions for him?

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DiEM25 rocks Italy on tour


Thousands join us as we put forward DiEM25’s proposals at stops across Italy

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Catalonia: democracy and secession

Catalonia: democracy and secession


The Catalan question for us is not a national question, nor a question of a nation state, but a question of democracy.

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DiEM25’s electoral wing is a historic moment


How DiEM25 could become ‘a hotbed of grassroots democracy capable of supranational solutions’, according to our CC member Rosemary Bechler.

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Why Europe needs a new democratic left

Why Europe needs a new democratic left


True democratic control of European policies, that bypasses non-democratic institutions like the Eurogroup, the European Commission or the ...

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Catalonian referendum

The EU’s weak stance on the Catalonian referendum is unsustainable


The bloc’s non-reaction to the strong-arm tactics of the Spanish government risks boosting far-right governments in countries like Hungary or Poland.

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