Archive: Articles

DiEM25 Communications

Our shared values of humanism and democracy are stronger than any act of terror. #TotsambBCN


Once again, we are shocked and heartbroken by another outrageous terror attack in less than a week — this time in Barcelona.

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White supremacist terror in Charlottesville

The white supremacist terror in Charlottesville is another sign of the rise of the nationalist international


We at DiEM25 stand in solidarity with the counter-protesters and with the victims of this act of vicious extremism. We stand up for a bold ...

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A shame for Europe (and unfortunately for SYRIZA too)


The agreement between the EU and Turkey on refugees is one more example of how hypocrisy is becoming an integral part of how the EU deals with ...

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Autocracy wasn’t built in a day: How PiS build their regime bill by bill

Poland: Autocracy wasn’t built in a day


The current attack on the independence of the judiciary is an element of a broader regime change pushed by the ruling Law and Justice party and ...

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#G20Hamburg - and update from DiEM25's members and activists on the ground

#G20Hamburg – an update from DiEM25's members and activists on the ground


Protesters are blocking the streets, helicopters are hovering the sky and DiEM25 is in the middle of it all. Join our call for "Constructive ...

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Democracy submerged!


All citizens have the right to freely express their opinions and to gather peacefully for protest. The freedom of assembly, as well as freedom ...

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Noam Chomsky, Elif Shafak, Brian Eno and Zoe Gardner

Elections to DiEM25's Coordinating Collective


In accordance with DiEM25's Organising Principles, 6 positions in the Coordinating Collective (CC) will be contested in an open election in August.

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Hamburg is transforming itself into an Orwellian dystopia for the G20 Summit


On July 7-8 the G20 Summit is happening in Hamburg. The city’s authorities plan to transform it into a democracy-free zone of complete ...

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World Refugee Day


Winning votes by erecting fences and violating international law on refugees is the last resort of politicians ready to sacrifice their nation’s ...

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