Archive: Articles

Right to the city – DiEM-Lab #1


Since 2008 more people on earth are living in cities than in the country. Until 2030 there will be 5 billion people in cities. Therefor ...

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Letter from the CC about the Italian municipal elections 2017


In the Italian municipal elections, the Coordinating Collective supports citizens-led coalitions that are close to DiEM25's manifesto, to create ...

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Législatives 2017

56 candidates for French parliament endorse DiEM25’s principles


Our French members have taken a different route to bring DiEM25 into the electoral debate and push for a progressive alliance at the ballot: ...

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DiEM25 supports Jeremy Corbyn & John McDonnell – except in our own special way!


DiEM25 was not created just to support existing political parties. Our task is tougher and more important than this: it is to forge the ...

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United Kingdom Elections 2017

DiEM25 endorses 15 candidates in the UK elections


On May 28, we published to our members a list of fifteen progressive parliamentary candidates standing in the UK general election on June 8 whom ...

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Yanis Varoufakis Returns to Dublin to Launch DiEM25 in Ireland


A weekend-long event will put Dublin at the heart of progressive European politics

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DiEM25 to form Europe’s first transnational political party


The next step toward 2019: the formation of the first transnational pan-European political party, which is necessary to give the European New ...

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DiEM25 conquers Athens: A timeline


Last week, DiEM25 held its first-ever event in Athens, ground-zero of the Euro Crisis and of course our co-founder Yanis Varoufakis’ home ...

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Zagreb is OURS!

DiEM25 members agree to support Zagreb is OURS! ahead of elections


Together we have chosen to support Zagreb is OURS! Now let’s help them succeed.

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