Archive: Articles

"DiEM25's European New Deal demands electoral expression", Yanis Varoufakis tells journalists


DiEM25 co-founder outlines how the movement plans to take its economic programme - launching tomorrow - to the people of Europe.

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DiEM Voice

Introducing DiEM Voice, our new art platform


DiEM Voice aims to facilitates a democratic dialogue between people-participants across Europe, using art.

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Rome Event Cover

This weekend, DiEM25 lands in Rome to present its "European New Deal": our alternative to "There Is No Alternative"


Over three days of events and important announcements. And we invite you to be part of it!

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DiEM25 members take to the streets of Rome in “March for a Different Europe” demonstration

DiEM25 members take to the streets of Rome in “March for a Different Europe” demonstration


We will be marching alongside a broad coalition of movements, trade unions and political actors to send an important message to anyone who will ...

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A tragic milestone in the EU’s treatment of refugees


Today is the one-year anniversary of the EU-Turkey deal on refugees that's tearing families apart, inflicting unnecessary suffering on people ...

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2017 Dutch Elections - Poster

Dutch Elections and Europe: the Dutch political ‘center’ asserting itself no reason for complacency


Underneath the ‘grey-right or green-right’ coalition government, which will most likely now emerge, several strong socio-economic and cultural ...

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Was the EU's Greek bailout ILLEGAL? Bid to uncover secrets that could BLOW APART eurozone


Clearly, the EU institutions’ failures are so damaging that even those who want to destroy it understand the arguments of those of us who want ...

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European Central Bank

Varoufakis and De Masi clash with ECB on transparency


Greece’s former finance minister, with German MEP, to hold press conference Wednesday, March 8, to announce filing a vital Freedom of ...

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25M: launch of our European New Deal in Rome


On March 25, the day of an extraordinary European Council in Rome, we will strongly intervene in public discourse and media, launching a ...

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