Archive: Articles

Varoufakis on EU economic decline, US-China, BRICS growth and technofeudalism


Yanis Varoufakis provided responses to a number of questions regarding the world’s current economic issues

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Blood on Europe’s hands: EU complicity in financing authoritarianism and forced displacement in the MENA region



The EU’s liberal political establishment has been eroding the rights of migrants and refugees over the last decade

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Refugees are welcome!


On this day, the world commemorates World Refugee Day. It is a sombre reflection on the immense suffering of those forced to flee their homes

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Takeaway from the European elections: We need to talk about capitalism



We have to look at capitalism with its neoliberal reform policies as the root cause of the decline of our societies into authoritarianism

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UK election: DiEM25 backs Jeremy Corbyn, Andrew Feinstein against Keir Starmer and Tories


This misery is set to continue, regardless of whether the next Prime Minister is from Labour or the Conservatives, but there are alternatives

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Appeal made to ICC for Von der Leyen’s ‘complicity in war crimes and genocide’


This legal brief, endorsed by various human rights groups and prominent academics and experts in international criminal law, calls the ...

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We keep going: MERA25 remains loud on the streets, even without a seat in the European Parliament


We were able to persuade 118,000 citizens to vote for us in the European elections. We raised our voices for peace, solidarity and freedom on ...

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Varoufakis: We are moving forward with the permanent goal of unifying the Radical Left


Yanis Varoufakis spoke about MERA25's campaign and how the party will move forward after the European Election results were revealed on June 9

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European Elections: MERA25 falls short but our objectives remain the same


We would like to thank all the people who have contributed to our efforts in recent months

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