Archive: Articles

The results of DiEM25’s 2023 Coordinating Collective elections


Members from across Europe and beyond have had their say

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Shaking up the Hessian state election: Our quest for parliament!


MERA25 is running in the Frankfurt neighbourhoods of Nordend, Bornheim and Ostend for the Hessian state parliament on October 8, 2023

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DiEM25 in Cyprus announcement on the recent wildfires


We express our sorrow and outrage for the recurrent wildfires that have ravaged Cyprus in recent days

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Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war



Jeremy Corbyn argues that the world has never been closer to nuclear war – and that the only way to avoid catastrophe is to abolish nuclear ...

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Neoliberalism can’t solve the climate crisis. We need activism



Radical action is essential to stop the transition from global warming to global boiling

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The 1930s municipal elections that put an end to the monarchy in Spain


Sometimes, when we take certain decisions, we get more than what we bargained for. This unforeseen turnaround is especially striking when a ...

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Solidarity with Russian left-wing political scientist Boris Kagarlitsky


The arrest of Russian left-wing political scientist and sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky is an attack on the Russian and global Left

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Oppenheimer’s warning lives on: International laws and treaties are failing to stop new arms race



Lack of effective regulation means the risk of nuclear war is greater than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Other potentially ...

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Israel: What does a ‘Jewish and democratic’ state actually mean in 2023?



Probably as old as the notion of a 'Jewish and democratic' state is the debate over to what extent these two characteristics are conflicting ...

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