Archive: Articles

A new name for paradise beyond ‘Degrowth’ and ‘Green New Deal’


What is degrowth and what is a Green New Deal? What do they have in common? What is happening with those concepts nowadays in Europe? Why do we ...

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Ireland’s housing crisis puts the squeeze on PhD researchers



PhD students dedicate their lives to their areas of research but are being tested to their limits by Ireland’s housing crisis

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MeRA25: Statement from Yanis Varoufakis on the Greek election results


Starting tomorrow, ahead of local and European elections, 'MeRA25-Coalition for Rupture' will work tirelessly for the reconstitution of the ...

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Does philanthropy belong to democracy or oligarchy?



The recent unveiling of a statue in Rotterdam has divided opinion: on one hand it sends a poignant message while, on the other, its funding has ...

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Advancing trans rights: A radically strategic approach



Trans rights are under attack across the world but there are differences in the progressive sphere on this issue which hold back advances on ...

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World Refugee Day: Raising our solidarity against their fences


World Refugee Day 2023 arrives on the back of yet another tragedy in Greek waters

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World Refugee Day: Latest Med tragedy must serve as turning point in EU migrant policy



The latest disaster in the Mediterranean must serve as a turning point in EU migrant policy

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We express our support for the protestors in Serbia


In May, consecutive mass shootings left 18 people dead in Serbia. As Vučić failed to respond, mass protests have erupted across the country

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Greece migrant boat disaster: Yet another avoidable tragedy


The sinking of an overcrowded fishing boat off the Greek coast on Wednesday 14 June 2023 is yet another avoidable tragedy

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