Archive: Articles

Prevent genocide: Stop the siege of Gaza!


The Israeli army has issued an evacuation order for the northern part of the Gaza Strip, forcing 1.1 million Palestinians out of their homes

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MeRA25 denounces furthering Greek involvement in Ukraine and Middle East wars


DiEM25 party accuses the Greek government of being a yes-man to its transatlantic hegemons and urges a foreign policy of non-alignment

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Petition: End the siege on Gaza! End Israeli apartheid!


We believe that the only long-term settlement requires progressives from both sides, Israelis and Palestinians, to work together toward a Single ...

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Yanis Varoufakis on Gaza catastrophe: Selective outrage and collective responsibility


Varoufakis spoke about the catastrophe currently unfolding in Gaza during our recent livestream

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Ignorance is not bliss



A people is confined to an open air prison - meagre food, medicine, and movement. A people is occupied. Reduced to subservience. Is that not violence?

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For lasting peace, end the Nakba now


A catastrophe is unfolding over Gaza. Following the October 7 operation from inside the Gaza Strip, Israel’s Defence Minister has ordered its ...

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Ireland must not be subject to anti-democratic ‘corporate courts’ exploitation



Ireland needs to leave the ECT in full now and refuse to participate in any exploitative corporate court mechanisms contained in such ‘deals’.

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Elections in Bavaria and Hesse: A shift to the right rarely happens in isolation


The state elections in Bavaria and Hesse saw significant gains for the right. It is now up to us to focus on the material needs of the people 

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A path forward for the failing EU: Insights from Yanis Varoufakis and Ece Temelkuran


DiEM25 hosted a riveting conversation in Berlin on October 7 between Yanis Varoufakis and Ece Temelkuran, and moderated by Özge İnan

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