Archive: Articles

Legally protecting nature: The power of recognising ‘ecocide’


On World Environment Day, Stop Ecocide International executive director Jojo Mehta provides an introduction to ‘ecocide law’

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Turkey: What to expect from Erdoğan, his ultranationalist alliance and their ‘family values’ pledges


Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s campaign was laced with nationalist and anti-immigrant rhetoric, which is only expected to increase throughout his latest ...

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Is the Green Party of England and Wales heading for an identity crisis?



In light of DiEM25's recent livestream titled 'What the hell happened to Green politics?' the following article raises many interesting points ...

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Davide Castro: Inside the Brussels greenwashing machine



A detailed personal account of dealing with Green politics in Brussels, which often hid far more sinister intentions beyond its seemingly ...

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Varoufakis interview with La Stampa: Angela Merkel, Italy’s PD and Greece’s refugee policy


Yanis Varoufakis speaks about the Greek government’s shameful policy on refugees, the future of the Eurozone, and much more...

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Ireland housing crisis: Government greed condemns youth to unaffordable rent



How is it that even recently qualified college graduates find themselves in this situation in the second most prosperous country in Europe?

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Unions demonstrate in Brussels for the respect of workers’ rights


Demonstrators sent a clear message to the powers that be who persistently aim to restrict the fundamental rights of millions of people

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Activist account: A behind-the-scenes look into the Bremen campaign


A look into the strategy and effort that went into MERA25 Germany's historic and hard-fought Bremen campaign

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Our defeat in context: Greece’s Erdogan-isation is almost complete



MeRA25 seems to have suffered because we tried to inspire our base with hard-hitting truths rather than soothing false narratives

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