Archive: Articles

Statement by MeRA25 Greece leader Yanis Varoufakis on Greek election result


We have a sacred obligation to put the brakes on the Orban-isation of the country

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MeRA25 condemns latest revelation of inhumane migrant pushbacks in the Aegean


Our political party in Greece and its Coalition for Rupture have released a statement about the latest criminal act towards migrants revealed by ...

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MeRA25 and the Greek elections: Fearlessly fighting the establishment



MeRA25 has fallen out of favour with the other parties as well as with the oligarchs, because it does not remain silent on the things that matter

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Yanis Varoufakis: Greece has to stop being a debt prison


Ahead of the elections in Greece on May 21, German newspaper taz interviewed DiEM25 co-founder and MeRA25 general secretary Yanis Varoufakis

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None of us are free until LGBTQ+ people are



Until 1990, homosexuality was still present on the International List of Diseases of the WHO, which is why today we celebrate International Day ...

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Cultural resistance against Zionism: Key expressions and concepts



In a bid to reclaim a truthful and accurate narrative, the One Democratic State Initiative presents the following examination of key expressions ...

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Who’s afraid of Central Bank Digital Currencies?



Once upon a time, the greed of tobacco companies was channeled through libertarian outrage over the restriction of smokers’ freedom to choose ...

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Nationalist-religious Zionism reveals its true nature: Opportunity for One Democratic State?



This call for organised political action, rallied around a political vision that forms the antithesis to Zionism’s sectarian narrative, is the ...

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MERA25 makes history in Bremen


MERA25 brought its radically progressive programme for the first time to voters in Germany

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