Archive: Articles

Kurdish plight continues as the EU and US pander to Erdogan’s regime



The destructive earthquakes are being used by the Turkish government to continue piling pressure on the repeatedly betrayed Kurdish people

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DiEM25 in Cyprus’ position on 2023 Cypriot presidential election second round


DiEM25 Cyprus takes a stand and joins forces with progressives that support the candidacy of Andreas Mavroyiannis

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VIDEO: Seven years of DiEM25


As DiEM25 turns seven, we thank all who have joined us over the years in the fight to bring democracy to Europe

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DiEM25 in the Netherlands kicks off 2023 with Utrecht event


The evening included an interactive discussion on the Green New Deal for Europe and the presentation of DiEM25NL’s plans for 2023

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The subversive power of laughter



Looking at the activist practices of 50 years ago, it is clear that those of today may have lost something vital - the ability to laugh at the ...

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DiEM25 in Cyprus statement on the 2023 Cypriot presidential election


After a ten-year presidency that has seen scandal after scandal, and the widening of the economic gap between the rich and the majority of ...

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Mexican president López Obrador and Yanis Varoufakis agree on New Non-Aligned Movement and call for the release of Julian Assange


The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, hosted Yanis Varoufakis at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday, January 31

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Yanis Varoufakis pays an official visit to Mexico


On Tuesday, he will meet with president Andrés Manuel López Obrador to discuss ideas on a New Non-Aligned Movement as well as Julian Assange

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Yanis Varoufakis’ speech in Cuba on a new Non-Aligned Movement: Because we must!


The co-founder of DiEM25 gave a speech at the Havana Congress for a New International Economic Order in Cuba about the need for a new ...

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