Archive: Articles

Despite treaties, nuclear weapons remain


As of 22 January, nuclear weapons are illegal under international law. But unless we act decisively, this will remain a symbolic action.

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We welcome the Zapatistas in Europe


We have read your DECLARATION... FOR LIFE with great inspiration, worry and joy, determined to do whatever is needed to support this call.

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Focus on the main priorities in Italy: Health, school, work, digitalisation


Patrizia Pozzo and Antonella Trocino comment on the government crisis in Italy and what should be done to meet the needs of citizens.

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Did we see something like Another Now’s Crowdshorters in action?


In Another Now, Varoufakis imagined a new type of resistance movement that uses the tools of finance to bring down capitalism.

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Free vaccines for everyone


We call upon European progressives to join us in a campaign to transform property rights over life-saving vaccines and medicines.

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The Left is failing because of a lack of understanding of how diverse revolutionary subjects are


In order to be politically relevant in the struggle, one must understand the ways in which various forms of oppression intersect.

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Identity, solidarity and DiEM25


At a time when divisions are wreaking havoc amongst progressives, we have an opportunity to use our differences to foster solidarity.

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The self and other in a globalised world



Mental health is routinely described in individualist terms. But how is psychological well-being possible in societies which are unhealthy?

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Stand as a candidate for one of our National Collectives


Apply before 24 January to stand as a candidate for one of our National Collectives in Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Turkey or Spain.

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