Archive: Articles

Trans visibility is cultural and political dissidence



Trans day of visibility is about elevating the stories and successes of the trans community. Barbra Boustier shares her experience.

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The grassroots battle to eliminate COVID: an interview with Vicky van der Togt


There’s a vast, well-organised international grassroots effort to address the gaps in our governments’ response to COVID-19.

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COVID-19: A Year On


Since the anniversary of COVID-19, the Progressive International have been writing a ‘Manifesto for Human Life’. Join us.

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Tell DiEM25 what political issues need most addressing in your country


Are you a DiEMer in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania or Slovakia? Tell us what issues matter to you!

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Faces of DiEM: Saving nature from private interests


DiEM25 member Jonathan Silva is fighting to prevent the cliffs of the Algarve region in Portugal from being privatised!

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Democratic decay and uncertainty in Turkey


COVID-19 has exacerbated political and economic unrest in Turkey. The latest 'ban on HDP' signals continued systematic oppression of Kurds.

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Women and girls are ignored in the pact on migration and asylum of the EU


The EU should reassess women and girls’ migration policies because their vulnerabilities are neither accounted for nor are they addressed.

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Draghi’s hiring of McKinsey is ‘an affront to the Italian people’



The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance hired a McKinsey to ‘organise’ Italy’s distribution of the Recovery Fund monies.

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Kill the Bill: A democracy in decline


Kill the Bill protests are a necessary response to the Conservative government’s new Police and Crime Bill which threatens democracy.

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