Archive: Articles

The Internationalist: Long Live Lumumba!


On the 60th anniversary of the assassination of Lumumba, the PI commemorated his legacy and explored what pan-Africanism means today.

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Stop the war in Yemen


DiEM25 demands that the incoming Biden administration reverse the designation of Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation.

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The death of Ibrahima: A systemic tragedy


The death of 23 year old Ibrahima whilst in police custody sparked outrage in Brussels. It is not the first tragedy of its kind.

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How to revive the environmental protest



Environmental movements must recognise that without a concrete opposition at the heart of our political system, their actions will remain ineffective.

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The Progressive International will send an observer delegation to Ecuador


We hope to witness the people of Ecuador exercise their rights freely and fairly, and to send a powerful signal in defence of democracy everywhere.

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Why identity politics is killing the Left


We must judge our politicians on the basis of what they do when they're in power, despite whatever symbols we're told they represent.

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MeRA25 launches their own radio!


MeRA25 refuses to be silenced - its very own radio station launched today and will cover what goes on in the Greek parliament.

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The state of our unions in the UK



Amidst Brexit and COVID-19, our unions are more important than ever in order to fight 'fire and rehire' schemes and eroding worker protections.

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We need to radically reimagine the way we travel and commute



The oil and automotive industries’ attempts to spread misinformation about electric vehicles is a bid to protect a harmful business model.

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