Archive: Articles

Yanis Varoufakis on Trumpism, European fiscal discipline and the US-China Cold War


On 10 November, Yanis Varoufakis was in conversation with Eurointelligence’s Wolfgang Munchau. Listen to the interview now!

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Your Election Our Lives: Perspectives on the planetary impact of the US election


The Progressive International brought together MPs & activists from around the world to discuss the planetary impact of the US election.

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Palestinians are suffering from the skewed application of international law


Israeli occupying forces have demolished a Palestinian village in the Jordan valley - including nearly 80 homes.

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Message from Brian Eno on the US Presidential Election result


I’m relieved at the election result but not ecstatic: 70 million people voted for Trump after probably the most disastrous four years in US history!

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Fighting words: Attention to language in an age of extremes



In this period of austerity for the many and socialism for the few, the language of 'winners and losers' has displaced that of masters and slaves.

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The Progressive International hosts #YourElectionOurLives


Mark your calendar! #YourElectionOurLives will be held on 11 November to evaluate the planetary impact of the US election.

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Hoping for a return to normal after Trump? That’s the last thing we need


The confluence of discontent that powered Trump to power in 2016 has not gone away. To pretend like it has is only to invite future disaster.

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Academic freedom in the context of France’s new approach to ‘separatism’


DiEM25 expresses support for the fight of French academics and invites signatures for the appeal on the protection of academic freedoms.

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Yanis Varoufakis meets Owen Jones


On 7 November, Yanis Varoufakis and Owen Jones will talk about how to radically rethink Britain and imagine a future for progressive politics.

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