Archive: Articles

News from Turkey: Regional wars, boycotts and COVID-19


As political, economic and social problems are deepening, COVID-19 conditions have caused heightened restrictions to be implemented. 

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Last Month in DiEM25: October 2020


As a second wave of lockdowns begins, DiEM25 is creating a 'campaign accelerator', working on a citizen engagement project, and more!

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Poland’s abortion ban, a warning for all women* in Europe



Every one of us must stand in solidarity with fellow Poles. Decisions about our bodily autonomy should not be left in the hands of any state.

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Against electoral fatalism



For those outside the US, our fate depends not on one superpower’s elections, but our willingness to reject commands from Washington.

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The democratic deficit in the US should lead us to examine our own in Europe


With the US second-to-last for electoral integrity amongst liberal democracies, we need to turn our attention to the democratic deficit within the EU.

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The Jakarta Method and the political efficacy of mass violence



Paramilitaries get away with violence because they typically target the enemies of those who are charged with prosecuting them.

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How social media censorship threatens democracy


Whistleblowers are essential to protect our democracies - but social media companies are now suppressing or taking down hacked material.

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Solidarity to Jeremy Corbyn and an initiative to reinvigorate progressive politics in the UK


DiEM25 will soon announce an initiative to bring together Britain’s progressives to discuss the future of progressive politics in the UK.

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Policies of hate and intolerance must not be allowed to take centre-stage


Macron and Erdoğan, along with their contemporaries who prefer harsh words and confrontational actions, are paving a dangerous road for humanity.

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