Archive: Articles

DiEM25 condemns violent crackdown on widespread protests in Nigeria


Nigerian government inflicts violence on those who are precisely denouncing police abuse.

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Democracy – and International Solidarity – Triumph in Bolivia


The PI sent an election monitoring delegation to help the people of Bolivia to guarantee their right to free and fair elections.

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How progressives could still win the 21st century


We are at a fork in the road. Postcapitalism is underway, albeit on a path to dystopia. Only a Progressive International can help alter this path.

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We surveyed our members! Here’s what they said


At the start of the summer, DiEM25 ran a survey to get a quick pulse of our movement's membership - and 1527 members responded!

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The Belmarsh Tribunal put the US on trial for crimes revealed by Assange


Julian Assange’s extradition hearing came to a close, with the verdict set to be revealed early next year. The struggle for his liberation continues!

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Cooperatives must be centerstage as the 21st century unfolds



The British Cooperative Movement has a well established history, and it continues to empower workers on an unprecedented scale.

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Lessons in grassroots democracy from an occupied school in Athens


The Greek government's only measure to protect school children was to make masks mandatory - but their free masks were grossly oversized.

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The EU’s Green Deal isn’t enough to save us from climate catastrophe


The substantial inertia of governments on the climate crisis clearly showcases the political crisis of the European Union.

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Solidarity actions for Julian Assange in Belgium


We must defend whistleblowers and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange because they reveal what governments are doing ‘in the public interest’.

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