Archive: Articles

Protest against the extradition of Julian Assange in Bonn, Germany


DiEM25's local group in Bonn call for the freedom of Assange and that of all brave whistleblowers and investigative journalists around the world.

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No false “Pax Mediterranea”


Let us divert the billions poured on war preparations towards dealing with the human catastrophes we are witnessing in the Mediterranean.

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The existential threat facing humanity, and how we can fight back


It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of the human experiment depends on the outcome of this struggle between two internationals.

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Here’s to you, Julian Assange!


What they are doing to Assange is radically changing the political weather - perhaps we need new Weathermen.

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The Denier of Love, Capitalism!


Radical love and compassion is urgently needed to face imminent threats noted by Noam Chomsky; nuclear annihilation and environmental catastrophe.

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Why we need a Progressive International that must plan for today and for beyond capitalism


Faced with the task of fighting against the Twin Authoritarianisms wrecking the future, we need a common plan of what needs to be done worldwide.

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Demand the right to citizenship for immigrants in Italy on 3 October!


We take to the streets on 3 October, the national day in memory of the victims of immigration after the tragic shipwreck off Lampedusa.

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We must reimagine the relationship between individuals and community


Economic disaster in the last decade and the effects of COVID-19 make our need for economic democratisation greater than ever.

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Yanis Varoufakis and Russell Brand: “A Chance for Another Now”


Russell Brand hosts Yanis Varoufakis on 'Under the Skin': How can we unify the fragments of the left? Is there hope for an alternative future?

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