E83: Africa and BRICS assert themselves. What should Europe do?

Major events in Africa have taken place in recent weeks. In Niger and Gabon, coups d’état removed historical European allies from power, adding to a growing list of such events in the Western part of the continent since 2020. New governments in countries like Burkina Faso, backed by broad popular support, are reassessing their deep neocolonial ties with Europe, particularly France. While Paris and its remaining West African allies reject the authority of these governments, and even threaten war.

Meanwhile, a landmark summit of the BRICS group of major emerging economies happened in Johannesburg. The bloc’s leaders stated their intention to shape the global economic order, reduce dependency on the US dollar, expand its membership, and promote green growth.

Could this wave of upheaval in Africa lead to an end to European exploitation? Or will it only result in despotism and corruption? Can the emboldened BRICS really lead the world into a fairer international order? And what should Europe’s place be in all of this?

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