DiEM25 in Cyprus takes part in Internationalist Political Congress in Famagusta

DiEM25 in Cyprus participated, with other local and international leftist collectives and parties, in the Internationalist ‘Camp’ Event in Karpasia, Cyprus from October 25-27.

The event was organised by NEDA (Nea Diethniki Aristera, lit. the New Internationalist Left) – a left-wing transnational movement, which we are a part of, in the “initiative for a front of the anti-capitalist left”.

The format of the discussions was a 15-minute presentation by main speakers on each topic, followed by a Q&A session with questions, contributions and in general a productive and valuable discussion. Social activities and a documentary screening projection on anti-war movement in Israel (“Shalom – Salaam – Peace” by Alexia Tsouni) were also conducted as part of the ‘camp’.

The representatives of the DiEM25 in Cyprus coordination team participated and put forward positions on:

1) Climate change and war: A deadly cycle of catastrophe:

Akis Georgakopoulos, mentioned, among other things:

“As DiEM25, with our proposal of GNDE, we tackle militarism as a factor of climate change. We propose the defunding of the military [industrial] complex in order to fund our sustainable development programme as well as reducing conflict probabilities. To conclude, as long as capitalism, imperialism and war rules the world, the fight for the environment will remain incomplete.”

2Palestine: The struggle against genocide and the struggle for justice

Demos Ioakeim addressed the audience, noting:

“The genocide will only end when Israel’s allies stop feeding its economy and its war machine. We condemn the use of Cyprus and its involvement in deadly operations against the people of the region. We condemn the military cooperation and the joint exercises between Cyprus and Israel. We stand against hydrocarbon exploration and development, with or without Israel partnership. We demand the Government of the Republic of Cyprus to send clear messages against the military activities of British bases. The fight for Palestinian liberation is not just a regional issue but a crucial step toward global justice and humanity.”

3) 50 years later: Anti-Capitalist struggle for a united and free Cyprus

George Constanti, indicated, in addition to other things:

“There were a number of endogenous as well as exogenous factors that played into the causes of the catastrophe that is the ‘Cyprob’. The solution requires coexistence and cooperation, and these will not be cultivated from the top down but from the bottom up. Common struggles, common campaigns, common political actions, and events. Our vision is a Cyprus with democratic rights for all citizens. The federal solution to the Cyprus problem, with political equality, must be based on the complete demilitarisation of the island, with the withdrawal of the British bases and without guarantors.”

In closing, we expressed our common desire for further events and actions to strengthen bicommunality and solidarity, enhance the synergy of the forces within this environment, and create an alliance of the anti-capitalist left throughout the island.

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