DiEM25 launches online conference series for political organising!

Beyond the Balcony: Organising for European Solidarity

Europe is undergoing an unprecedented crisis.
As a response, DiEM25 is launching a series of online conferences featuring Coordinating Collective and National Collective members. Open to all DiEMers, they will be a space to organise national responses to COVID-19 as a movement.
This is the time for DiEM25 to bring hope — and concrete help — to Europeans in desperate need. We declare once more our determination to open our arms to all those who seek to change the world, not just to interpret it.
These are trying times. For us as individuals, for our families, but also for our communities and countries. The European Union is stubbornly refusing to enact the common-sense policies we outlined in our 3-point plan which would alleviate the pressure of this crisis from the weakest in our society, and protect our livelihoods during and after the pandemic.
The pandemic and its subsequent political and socio-economic upheavals must not distract us from the current migratory and environmental challenges that still need to be resolved. We cannot afford to be in denial. As our DiEM25 TV guests David Graeber and Jeremy Scahill noted, this is precisely the time to not give up on imagining a better European society — there is too much at stake.
We must either enact policies that can work and allow the EU to evolve, or the European project will fail. DiEM25’s prediction that Europe would either be democratised or disintegrate is more relevant than ever.
In order to better understand our movement’s place in the historic circumstances we find ourselves in, and to better prepare for their consequences, these conference calls allow for transversal discussions that will be live streamed on our YouTube channel.
This series of online conferences will be open to all DiEMers in order to determine our national responses to the pandemic. These conversations will be followed by concrete mobilizing actions by the movement to create change at this decisive moment!
Our first call will be about Italy — ground zero of the Covid-19 crisis in Europe — with subsequent calls across the continent.

Join us from your country to help organise national responses to COVID-19. Sign up for the conferences below!

Click the link to register.
Italy: Saturday April 18, 11.00 CET
France: Wednesday April 22, 19.00 CET
Germany: Saturday April 25, 11.00 CET
United Kingdom: Wednesday April 29, 19.00 CET
Spain: Saturday May 2, 11.00 CET
Greece: Wednesday May 6, 19.00 CET
Turkey: Saturday May 9, 11.00 CET
EU Accession countries: Wednesday May 13, 19.00 CET
Portugal: Saturday May 16, 11.00 CET
Benelux: Wednesday May 20, 19.00 CET
Scandinavia and Visegrad Group: Saturday May 23, 11.00 CET
PAN-EUROPEAN: Wednesday May 27, 19.00 CET
The programme will depend on the most urgent issues that the country faces at the time of the conference call. They will be conducted as with coordinators (NCs, EWs or DSCs where the former do not exist) as panellists, and all other DiEMers as participants who will be able to ask questions. Participants can come from any country. We also invite you all to join our pan-european call on Wednesday, May 27.
Let’s mobilise the structures that DiEM25 has built over the last four years; from National Collectives to Electoral Wings, from DSCs to thematic groups, and from the Green New Deal for Europe campaign to DiEM25 TV, in order to seize this historic moment.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Find us on YouTube for more exciting episode and initiatives.

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