Yearly Archives: 2020

MeRA25’s legislative proposal to protect citizens and end austerity


The oligarchy without borders cannot afford to let Greeks gain control over their own Public Sector.

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Due diligence, a step towards supply chain justice in fashion?


The new EU due diligence regulation must strive to address social inequality and environmental degradation engendered by the fashion industry.

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Europe’s Recovery Fund: An instrument of class war against weaker Europeans everywhere


The Recovery Fund, seen against the backdrop of huge austerity, dispels any hope that the unremitting class war against Europe’s many will subside.

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Varoufakis: I urge people in Croatia to vote for the Green-Left Coalition


The new Croatian government will be called upon to protect the people of Croatia not only from the virus, but more importantly from pauperisation.

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Reparations: the Black Salvation of the EU


On June 19 the European Union recognised slavery as a crime against humanity - but EU nation states have yet to address calls for Reparations.

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Short-time work fraud during COVID-19: we want your testimonies!


Companies that wrongly receive short-time work aid are committing theft. Are you witnessing a subsidy fraud with the short-time work regime?

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Every company should contribute 10% of shares for a Universal Basic Dividend


Monopoly capitalism created socialism for the bankers and for the very rich - and the arena of the unfettered markets for the many.

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The EU turns a blind eye to Serbia’s rigged elections


Voter fraud and coercion guarantees the continuation of Aleksandar Vučić’s regime in the latest Serbian election.

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The Greens must reject new austerity in Ireland


The new #ProgrammeForGovernment does not offer the radical change that Ireland would need to address its deep environmental and social crisis.

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