Yearly Archives: 2023

Jenin… yet again


Thousands of people, with barely any notice, are fleeing yet again from their refugee camp. Jenin is being demolished again for no reason

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Keti Koti: A celebration of freedom



Mikko Karjalainen provides a rich summary of the history of Keti Koti as well as the larger topic of post-slavery racial discourse in the Netherlands

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What’s happening in Spain?


The future of the Left in Spain is uncertain, as it depends on its ability to mobilise and inspire its supporters around a new project for the ...

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Our support and solidarity with people demonstrating on the streets in France


In a continent where the Right rules not with the approval of society, but through the quiet acceptance of violence, inequality and injustice as ...

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Beyond the Mediterranean graveyard: The demise of the anti-capitalist Left



The sinking of a refugee ship near Greece resulted in hundreds of deaths, but it's not only those who are anti-migrants who are culpable

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A new name for paradise beyond ‘Degrowth’ and ‘Green New Deal’


What is degrowth and what is a Green New Deal? What do they have in common? What is happening with those concepts nowadays in Europe? Why do we ...

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Ireland’s housing crisis puts the squeeze on PhD researchers



PhD students dedicate their lives to their areas of research but are being tested to their limits by Ireland’s housing crisis

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MeRA25: Statement from Yanis Varoufakis on the Greek election results


Starting tomorrow, ahead of local and European elections, 'MeRA25-Coalition for Rupture' will work tirelessly for the reconstitution of the ...

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Does philanthropy belong to democracy or oligarchy?



The recent unveiling of a statue in Rotterdam has divided opinion: on one hand it sends a poignant message while, on the other, its funding has ...

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