Yearly Archives: 2023

Deliberative Democracy: Citizens’ assemblies within government


Citizens assemblies are formed as a way of addressing matters about which governments are either unable or poorly constituted to do - they are a ...

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King Charles wants to appear progressive on race. He’s not



The deep impacts of slavery and colonialism live on. The best thing Charles could ever do to be truly anti-racist is to commit to reparations ...

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DiEM25 Academy in Athens highlights: Merging perspectives from across Europe


May 1-3 we brought together a group of passionate DiEMers in Athens for the 4th DiEM25 Academy. Here's what happened

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“We are a poor family”: How the case of Nobre is a symptom of the capitalist disease


After the demonstrations and strikes by workers at Nobre Alimentação, it is once again clear that capitalism does not fulfill its purpose in society

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World Press Freedom Day: Greece remains lowest ranked EU country


Greece has once again been delivered a brutal reminder of how desperately it needs to address the serious lack of safety for journalists

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Twenty theses for liberation


We invite you to consider the 20 Theses for Liberation as a living document to engage with in a continued, collective process.

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Defend Jeremy Corbyn, Defend Democracy!


Help DiEM25 defend Jeremy Corbyn and the rights of his London constituents

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Together once again: Final days for the New Bremen Solidarity


Some major highlights of our campaign are coming up

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The strange death of the liberal individual



Only a comprehensive reconfiguration of property rights can rescue the foundational liberal idea of liberty as self-ownership

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