Posts By: MERA25 und DiEM25 in Deutschland

We keep going: MERA25 remains loud on the streets, even without a seat in the European Parliament


We were able to persuade 118,000 citizens to vote for us in the European elections. We raised our voices for peace, solidarity and freedom on ...

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Time’s up, Mrs Von der Leyen


Ursula von der Leyen, you belong in front of a judge, not in any position of power. You are an accomplice to genocide, the blood of innocent ...

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Yanis Varoufakis ban: Will the authoritarianism of the German government prevail?


The decision to ban Yanis from all political activity in Germany shows the drastic lengths it will go to in order to silence anybody who speaks ...

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Solidarity against repression and possible ban of 2024 Palestine Congress in Berlin


The Palestine Congress aims to raise awareness about the ongoing violations of international law by the Israeli military in Gaza and German ...

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Joint Statement: Discriminatory exclusion at Erfurt’s Women’s Day march


Western feminism is exclusionary, self-centred, and self-congratulatory. It is morally bankrupt and fails to address the intersecting forms of ...

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MERA25 Germany presents official candidates for 2024 European elections


MERA25 Germany presents official candidates for the 2024 European elections under the slogan "Live and Decide Independently"

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Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance: Another party of the past


Anyone with ideas for real change in Germany is asking themselves: Is their plan just more of the same?

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Petition: We demand the resignation of Ursula von der Leyen


The European Commission president has violated the European Union's legal framework and disregarded basic moral decency

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Prevent genocide: Stop the siege of Gaza!


The Israeli army has issued an evacuation order for the northern part of the Gaza Strip, forcing 1.1 million Palestinians out of their homes

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