Posts By: MeRA25 Comms

Statement by Yanis Varoufakis on Athens Law School detainees


In light of the incarceration in detention centres and the planned deportation of European citizens from Greece, Varoufakis has spoken out

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The party of realistic disobedience is here


MERA25 has launched an Open Dialogue on the subject of programmatic, truly leftist, humanist resistance to the plunder of people and nature by ...

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The mass deaths of refugees and the responsibility of Greek society


Throughout Europe - and more recently in Greece - we are witnessing a surge in xenophobia, in the form of aggressive tolerance of mass deaths

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Fires in Greece: The same old story


The lack of preparation from Mitsotakis’ government, unfortunately, has already been made apparent, with much of Attica being burned again

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The main resolutions of the MeRA25 Central Committee: 9 July 2023


The main resolutions of the 8th Meeting of the Central Committee of MeRA25 on 9 July 2023

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MeRA25: Statement from Yanis Varoufakis on the Greek election results


Starting tomorrow, ahead of local and European elections, 'MeRA25-Coalition for Rupture' will work tirelessly for the reconstitution of the ...

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World Refugee Day: Raising our solidarity against their fences


World Refugee Day 2023 arrives on the back of yet another tragedy in Greek waters

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Statement by MeRA25 Greece leader Yanis Varoufakis on Greek election result


We have a sacred obligation to put the brakes on the Orban-isation of the country

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MeRA25 condemns latest revelation of inhumane migrant pushbacks in the Aegean


Our political party in Greece and its Coalition for Rupture have released a statement about the latest criminal act towards migrants revealed by ...

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