Posts By: Yanis Varoufakis

Hoping for a return to normal after Trump? That’s the last thing we need


The confluence of discontent that powered Trump to power in 2016 has not gone away. To pretend like it has is only to invite future disaster.

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How progressives could still win the 21st century


We are at a fork in the road. Postcapitalism is underway, albeit on a path to dystopia. Only a Progressive International can help alter this path.

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Diary entries on Brexit, defending refugees and writing postcapitalist fiction


The world of money has decoupled from capitalism. Money markets are divorced from profit. What we now have is a dystopian variety of post-capitalism.

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Why we need a Progressive International that must plan for today and for beyond capitalism


Faced with the task of fighting against the Twin Authoritarianisms wrecking the future, we need a common plan of what needs to be done worldwide.

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Yanis Varoufakis on the tragic situation in Moria


What would you do if you, your family and another 13000 people were incarcerated in a prison camp built for 1800 people?

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Something remarkable just happened this August: How the pandemic has sped up the passage to postcapitalism


In the post-2008 world, speculators don’t actually give a damn about the economy. COVID-19 found capitalism in this zombified state.

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Why Bitcoin is not a socialist’s ally: Reply to Ben Arc


I remain as enthusiastic on blockchain’s capacities and as unimpressed by Bitcoin’s ability to help us to civilise or transcend capitalism.

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While EU leaders squabble, the Elephant in the Room remains unnoticed


While the media are reporting the news of the deadlocked EU Summit negotiations over the so-called ‘Recovery Fund’, an eerie silence prevails ...

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Europe’s Recovery Fund: An instrument of class war against weaker Europeans everywhere


The Recovery Fund, seen against the backdrop of huge austerity, dispels any hope that the unremitting class war against Europe’s many will subside.

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