End the siege on Gaza


For far too long, the Palestinian people have been subjected to apartheid, military occupation and dehumanisation. A new, darker, chapter is ...

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Suspend Israel from sports


The Israeli offensive on Gaza has claimed the lives of 26,706 civilians, including 11,422 infants and children. 90% of Palestinians are ...

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The Green New Deal for Europe


The Green New Deal for Europe is an international campaign for a swift, just, and democratic transition to a sustainable Europe.   Founded ...

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Ursula von der Leyen, resign!


In responding to the recent crisis in Israel and Palestine, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has violated the European ...

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Call for realistic peace


International Day of Peace must mean the beginning of ceasefire in all wars, an immediate engagement of diplomacy to end existing conflicts and ...

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Free Julian Assange


Freedom of speech is just an empty phrase without the freedom of Assange. Releasing Julian Assange is essential to restoring his health after ...

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Debt for climate


DiEM25 is a part of DC coalition, the global grassroots movement initiated and led by the Global South, building power from the bottom-up by ...

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Make Amazon Pay


Amazon is one of the most powerful corporations in history.  It is remaking how the economy works in the 21st century squeezing every last drop ...

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Stop trade with settlements


Officially, the EU opposes annexation and considers illegal settlements in occupied territories an obstacle to international peace and ...

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