Search Results for: The Environmental Justice Commission

DiEM25’s Dusan Pajovic discusses Green New Deal on Upstream podcast


DiEM25’s Campaign Coordinator Dusan Pajovic appeared on the well-known Upstream podcast to discuss the Green Transition and, specifically, our proposal for a Green New Deal.…

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Europe will only be green when it overthrows its oligarchy


The European Commission's 'Green Deal' is woefully inadequate. We need Europeans on the streets, citizens' assemblies, workers reskilled and MeRA25 in parliaments At the beginning…

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The real answer to our sustainable energy needs


Whether wind, solar, gas or nuclear, incentivising private finance is not going to solve climate change. The latest furore over EU sustainability labels misses the…

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Why identity politics is killing the Left


The misguided celebrations surrounding the inauguration of Biden-Harris offer an excellent opportunity to see the vacuousness of identity politics in action, and offer a general…

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International day of persons with disabilities: COVID-19 and human rights


61 million women and 47 million men in the European Union are living with disabilities. The United Nations proposes in 2020 to 'build back better'…

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This Black Friday, let’s make Amazon pay!


Black Friday is here — and one man stands to profit most: Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon. Over the past decade, Amazon has expanded into…

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News from Turkey: Regional wars, boycotts and COVID-19


The Provisional National Collective in Turkey is pleased to inform DiEM25 members with the third issue of a monthly review on Turkey’s social, economic, and…

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Breaking point: How a Green New Deal for Europe will save us from disaster


As apocalyptic, orange-toned images of the horrific wildfires raging across the western United States flood our timelines and front pages, it’s impossible to ignore the…

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Why capitalism's 'wealth is health' argument is failing people


The abundance of wealth means superior health: the true nature of capitalism during the COVID-19 outbreak. With 208 countries and territories being affected, the coronavirus…

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