Search Results for: The Environmental Justice Commission

The EU’s new ecocide law may still let environmental criminals get away with it


The EU recently passed a law that criminalises actions “comparable to ecocide”. It’s a revolutionary legal development – the first law of its kind to…

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Due diligence, a step towards supply chain justice in fashion?


Fashion retail is one the most globalised industries in the world. Any given garment has probably seen three or four different countries before arriving in…

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The Green New Deal for Europe guarantees social and climate justice


The only way we can avoid the most disastrous consequences of climate breakdown is by organising at the global level. Neither individual, nor single state…

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Why environmental breakdown is a gendered issue


A Green New Deal for Europe may be the best proposal to tackle the gendered dimensions of the climate crisis. The climate crisis and other…

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The environmental crisis is global. The Green New Deal must also


In recent days, cities across the Balkans have been smothered in deadly smog. Residents have been unable to leave their homes and the government has…

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COP26: Johnson & Extinction vs Progress


The Last Carbon Problem  We know we have to reduce CO2 emissions to reach a Net Zero CO2 emissions steady state, in which whatever CO2…

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Women and girls are ignored in the pact on migration and asylum of the EU


The Green New Deal for Europe offers a path to justice for migrant women and girls There is a crisis developing from the way the…

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The Green New Deal for Europe reestablishes workers’ rights to a dignified life


It’s time to invest in workers, not bail out the usual suspects. A spirit has been lingering at the horizon. It was long neglected in…

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Davide Castro: Inside the Brussels greenwashing machine


DiEM25’s recent livestream discussed the recent shift of Green Parties from actual climate justice to questionable political practices that are not affiliated with true environmental…

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